6 tips for aspiring brand designers.
Struggling where to start or how to think of unique ideas?
Hopefully the next 6 tips will give you somethings to consider when creating your clients new brand identity.
• Every great idea started out as 100 average ideas.
Don’t be discouraged by the initial designs. The ideas that don’t appear to initially work will become the roadmap for finding what does. Every bad idea is 1 step closer to a good one.
• Your client’s story is a gift.
It’s within your client’s story, their mission, their purpose, that a truly unique brand can be created. Use their story to influence your design thinking.
• Don’t design in colour.
If it doesn’t work in black and white, the logo doesn’t work. In the initial stages of developing a brand or logo, colour only distracts from focusing on the form. Once the logo is created, only then should we introduce colour.
• Think beyond the logo.
Your task isn’t just to create a new logo. Your task is to give your clients the confidence and clarity that their reimagined brand will work across multiple touch points. Make sure their new logo is responsive so it adapts easily to different surrounds and let them see their brand in action with multiple mock-ups.
• Dig deep for the buried treasure.
Word maps are an incredible way to extract unique ways of representing a brand or business beyond your initial surface level ideas. Start at the surface then repeatedly dig deeper into multiple words to uncover something truly unique.
• Make it memorable.
No one want’s to be forgotten or ignored. A memorable brand is instantly unique, easily recognisable and attracts its desired audience’s attention.
• Every great idea started out as 100 average ideas.
• Use your client’s story to influence your design thinking.
• If it doesn’t work in black in white it doesn’t work.
• Make sure it’s responsive and showcase the brand in-action.
• Dig deep for the buried treasure using word association maps.
• Make sure it’s memorable.
I hope you found this article useful.
Please email me if you have any questions about branding. Email: tom@tjscreates.com